G33K-TRICKS: Others
Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tips on Go Green and Save Energy

How to Save Energy and Go Green

    Save Nature , go green
  • Avoid the car: When taking a short trip, choose to walk, cycle or use public transport. This reduces your carbon footprints and is also good for your health
  • Check your tyres: Fully inflated tyres can reduce a car's fuel emissions by up to 5%. Maths is the answer
  • Drive slower - and smoother: Staying within the speed limit and smoothly accelerating can save up to 25% of a vehicle's fuel use
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs: These compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) use up to 75% less energy and last 10 times longer. The LEDs are another great inventions and LEDs are the best option that we have for saving power
  • Switch off when you leave: Lighting an empty office wastes enough energy to boil water for 1,000 cups of coffee and doubles a company's annual electric bill
  • Recharge you batteries: If not disposed of carefully, batteries can be harmful to the environment due to the acids and metals used in their manufacture. Rechargeable batteries are safer, last longer and therefore cheaper
  • Go solar: It may seem expensive, but the government and many states offer programs and rebates to offset the costs
  • Turn out the Sun light: Switching off one bulb for one hour saves up to 22,000 watts per year
  • Keep your cool: It takes a refrigerator three minutes and a freezer 30 minutes of high-energy use to cool down after being opened for just one minute. So, try avoiding to keep the refrigerator open for more time un-wantedly
  • Unplug your charger: 95% of the energy used by a phone charger is wasted by being left plugged in
  • Make fast food: (Not the Fast-Food) Cooking quicker uses less energy - switch from the grill to the toaster, from the oven to the microwave
  • Consume responsibly: Avoid buying products that are excessively packaged
  • Print double-sided: Using both sides of the paper is highly effective and easy. It reduces your paper consumption by up to 50%. Again simple maths :)
  • Plant a tree: Trees make a big difference by continually removing carbon from the atmosphere. It is a worth while long-term in initiative. Although, just for fun fact - it's the algae around the globe that produces Oxygen more than the trees and plants.
  • Reduce paper consumption: Think before you print. On average, each worker uses 50 sheets a day. Recycle and reuse, or don't print
  • Take shorter showers: Making your shower one or two minutes shorter saves up to 2650 litres a month
  • Stop dripping: 10 drops a minutes wastes up to 6 litres of water everyday
  • Turn off the tap: Doing this when brushing teeth or shaving saves water, because a running faucet wastes 10 litres of water a minute
  • Bring out the clothesline: Take advantage of nature - a clothesline takes longer than a dryer but uses no energy, produces no emissions and is free! With each load, an electric dryer generates more than six pounds of greenhouse gases
  • Shop fresh: Fresh produce requires less packaging and can help improve your diet and overall health
  • Pay bills online: Easy and saves your time to go to billing location

You may Like to see my other post: Energy Savings Tricks

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Facebook Emoticons

Facebook Smiley

Its nice to use smiles while chatting. Usually they are called Emoticons.
Following are the few of them that you can use in Facebook.

Most of them also work while chatting too.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

How to get Nonencrypted password using Website Login Form

On Few websites you can just verify the password directly using the PHP or Java Script code.
Though not always , you can get the password with few easy steps.

1. Right-Click on the "Login Form" of the website which you want hack.
2. Select ''Inspect element''
3. Search for  ''
and then ''action=''  in the code

4. If the URL ends with  ''.js'' Bingo!!! you hit the bullseye. Just copy it and paste it in the URL bar of your browser.
And in-case if the URL ends with ''.php'', type ''view-source:'' before pasting the URL
Then search for  ''password'' in the source code.

WARNING: This method works better for .JS pages than with .PHP.
Sometimes, there is no URL after ''action='' you will find just a JS function.
Again view source and look for "password".

How to hack the Website password

Energy or Power Saving Tricks

Everyone here on Earth want to save except few. Whether its money or life or other resources.
One of them is Power / Electricity / Energy and saving it is saving for our future generation.

1. Cooling 

  • Close exterior doors and windows properly when the AC is in use.
  • Change or clean AC's air filters at least once in a month to keep your it running at optimum performance.
  • Always try to buy AC with High or Good Energy Ratings.
  • Block the sun from heating your home! Inside, use shades, blinds and drapes. Outside, use awnings, trees and shrubs.
  • If possible insulate the walls with foam insulation to so that heat is trapped 
  • Keep the door inside home open, it will allow the free flow of air through the home.
  • Plant trees to provide shade on the sunny side of your home.
  • Try using ceiling fans more rather than ACs to cool, they dont need much electric power to run.But, make sure that you turn off the fans when you are not using it.

2. Appliances 

  • Use microwaves to cook or warm leftovers. They use less energy compared to conventional ones.
  • If you are staying where temperature is already low, try to keep the refrigerator's cooling knob to low level. It will save good amount of energy.
  • Replace a refrigerator that was bought in 90s with an energy-efficient models. 
  • Try to Keep the freezer full. It uses less energy than an empty one. For maximum savings, consider filling your freezer with gallon containers of water.
  • Choose energy-efficient appliances. They don’t just save you money, but they’re good for the environment because they use less energy.
  • Wash and dry several loads at once. It saves power. You can skip drying in machine when Sun is a free dryer available at your service.
  • Always match your pot size to the burner size on your cooking stove. Good amount of heat is lost in air when small pots are used on large burners.So, always try to use smaller burner.
  • Use tight-fitting covers on pots and pans when cooking on the stove to shorten your cooking time and save energy.
  • Turn off your burners when food is almost ready and let existing heat finish the cooking for you.
  • Whenever possible wash with full loads of clothes.
  • Set your dishwashers and washing machine on economy mode, to use less water and electricity.
  • Use copper bottomed pans and pots when cooking on the stove. Copper is good conductor of heat and gets heated up easily compared to another metals.

3. Electronics

  • Plug electronics into a power strips. So when you are done with one switch you can turn off all of them at once instead of forgetting to switch of particular one.
  • Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use. Many chargers draw power continuously, even when the device is not plugged into the charger.
  • Consider buying a laptop instead of buying a computer. Laptop uses less power. In the Same way, buying LED TVs are good option but yeah they are costly.
  • Set your computer to sleep or hibernate mode instead of using a screen saver it saves electric when not in use.
  • Replace Old CRT monitors with LCD/LED ones.

Similar post on "how to save energy and go green"

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to Install Numpy python module on Windows [SOLVED]

Simple, tried and tested steps to install Numpy module

Pre-requisite, would be "You are already having Python installed on your system"
Next Download the Numpy module from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy
 [I downloaded the Zipped one, so can you  ;) ]

Unzip the downloaded Numpy and go to
using command prompt. This is where setup.py is available.

Now type commands,
python setup.py build

If building does not throw any errors , run
python setup.py install

In-case you see some error similar to error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
Which implies you dont have Microsoft Visual studio to build the module.

Either you can download one or there is another way of doing it.
Download, MinGW (32/64) from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/

Select ‘download latest repository catalogues’.
Next you select a folder (i.e. C:\MinGW) and the programming support you require: C and C++  (I kept Fortran and ObjC as deselected).
You need "MinGW Developer Toolkit" installed.
If you select this option you’ll get MSYS as well.
Next thing you need to do is to configure your PATH environment variable.

Right-click on My Computer and Select Properties
Go to the tab ‘Advanced’ and select ‘Environment variables’
Select ‘Path’ from the ‘System Variables’ and click the ‘Edit button’
Add the following paths to your variables: ‘C:\MinGW\bin;'  (without quotes)

Now, Edit / Create new file  "distutils.cfg" at C:\Python26\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg with following change


Remember, in case you created new file distutils.cfg , the file type should be CFG not TXT
To avoid this, while saving select "Save As" option and then in the "Save as Type" drop down select
"All Files" . Then in the "Filename" field type distutils.cfg and then save.

Open new command prompt and again go to  C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Downloads\numpy-1.10.4\numpy-1.10.4
python setup.py build

And if no issues seen,
python setup.py install

And its Done!!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Measure Throughput (while Uploading or Downloading)

Say ..you want to measure the throughput while uploading or downloading a file...how would you do that...
The answer is Wireshark...a packet sniffing tool.
This tool will measure the throughput upto the exact value as it uses the packets as a real medium for reference.
So, this is how you do it...
Download and install Wireshark

Open Wireshark and a similar window will appear

From top-left panel (Capture) select "eth1". After that the following window will appear
At this time Wireshark is ready to obtain information of all packages that travel on this interface
Start uploading a file from this screen.
You will observe that some colourful rows start appearing on the screen. These are nothing but packets.

   Return to Wireshark window and start looking for all streaming packages. Once package transit stops go to: Capture Menu and select Stop

   Once we have all these information we can continue analyzing it
Go to Edit Menu & select  Find Packet

Following pop-up window will appear

Select String on “Find By” section, type "POST" and press "Find"

From all packages, one of them will be highlighted (the one that contains the string "POST" that is located at the beginning of sent file) you can verify this information on the bottom panel

8.    Once this package was identified, as previous explanation, this is the first package uploaded so is needed to take it as initial reference and this can be done, doing right click and selecting "Set Time reference" option

9.    In Time column of this package the word *REF* will appear, and after it all times will be restarted. Select again this package and doing again, right click select "Follow TCP Stream" option.

10. Other window will appear with all information contained on this package. The goal is to obtain a string located at the end of it. So we need to scroll down and copy the string that starts with "WebKitFormBoundary.xxxxxxxxxxx" (this string changes randonmly)

After select and copy this string we need to follow previous steps to find this string on the stream

Edit > Find Package

NOTE: we need to repeat this step, 2 times in order to find the package that contains this string at the end.

At the same way the package that contain this information will be highlighted, with measured time to upload this file (to verify that this package contains desired string look at below panel, and at the end string will appear)

With this time we can obtain Mbps for this test converting file size to bits (multiplying by 8) and divide it by this time

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How a website sends SMS to a mobile phone

1.The SMS is composed by using a web application which is stored on HTTP server.
2.This application executes the requests on that server and then sent the request through the internet (“using the cloud”) as an email message.
3. The email is received by a Short Message Service Gateway [ SMS Gateway ] .  which then converts the message from an email message to a actual SMS message.
4. Now this SMS message is then handed over to a Short Message Service Center  [ SMSC ] , which is a server that routes the SMS to an individual mobile phone based on the mobile phone number.
5. The message is finally transmitted over the wireless network to the recipient.

You may also like to read :

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

HOW TO's with AT commands

How to check To which COM port MODEM is connected

Right Click On MY Computer Icon
Select "Manage" option
From the new window, select "Device Manager" 
From here, you can check for the Ports and Modems 
Double clicking , will display the properties

For Windows system you need to have "Hyperterminal" application
Windows 7 , they have removed the application (Don't know why)
but there are many free available Applications like Hyperterminal 
over the internet.

For Linux users, "minicom" is the best
To install, sudo apt-get install minicom

Q: How To Send SMS From Computer Using  AT Commands

1. Plug In Your GSM/GPRS modem
2. Check to which COM port the modem is connected  
3. Start-> Accessories-> Communication-> Hyperterminal
4. Open new connection
5. "Connect using:" the correct COM port, you will see a
windows->change Bits per second to "9600" (for GSM) "115200" (for GPRS) 
6. Type "AT" and press Enter (it'll show "ok")
7. Type "AT+CMGF=1" and press Enter (it'll show "ok". It is to set the GSM / GPRS modem to operate in SMS text mode. )
8. Type " AT+CMGW="+91723456789"" and press Enter (it'll show ">"."+91" is country code, "723456789" is recipient's number) 
9. Start typing SMS. When finished, press Ctrl + Z (it'll show "+CMGW:1", it means the message is 
stored as index:1 in the message storage) 
10. Type "AT+CMSS=1" and press Enter (It'll show something like "+CMSS: 219". "219" is the reference no of the sent message) 
11. If it shows "OK" at the end, it means the message is successfully sent.

Q: How To Receive SMS Using Computer 
1. Plug In Your GSM/GPRS modem
2. Find out which COM Port the modem is connecting 
3. Start-> Accessories-> Communication-> Hyperterminal
4. Open new connection
5. "Connect using:" the correct COM port, you will see a
windows->change Bits per second to "9600" (for GSM) "115200" (for GPRS) 
6. Type "AT" and press Enter (it'll show "ok")
7. Type "AT+CMGF=1" and press Enter (it'll show "ok". It is to set the GSM / GPRS modem to operate in SMS text mode. )
8. Type "AT+CMGL="ALL" " and press Enter (there is message received, it'll show 
" +CMGL: 1,"REC READ", "+651234567",,"01/08/13,11:26:20+12
Hi, Love You !!! " ) 

Q: How To Check SMS Delivery Status Report & Newly Received Message
1. Follow the Step 1 To 6 as  mentioned above 
2. At The Hyper Terminal, Type The Following AT Command

AT+CMGS="Mobile Number" 
> Message content displayed (Ctrl+Z)
+CMGS: 72
+CDS: 6,228,"Mobile Number",129,"08/10/22,10:08:35+32","13/08/22,12:55:38+32",0
+CMT: "Mobile Number",,"13/10/22,12:56:17+32"

Q: How To Change the Baud Rate of the Modem using AT Commands

To Change Baud Rate from xxxx to yyyyyy
1. Start-> Accessories-> Communication-> Hyperterminal
2. Open new connection
3. "Connect using:" the correct COM port, you will see a
windows->change Bits per second to "xxxx"
4. Type "ATE1" and press Enter (it'll show "ok")
5. Type "AT+IPR=yyyyyy" and press Enter (it'll show "ok")
6. Click on "disconnect" icon
7. Go to Properties and change the Bits per second to "yyyyyy"
8. Type "AT&W" and press Enter (it'll show "ok")
Then it'll be changed to yyyyyy

here : xxxx can be 5600 and  yyyyy : 115200

Monday, July 8, 2013

40 Tricks ..We must know

Could not help posting this website's page over here..


Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to add ssh key to GIT

This article is with screenshots.

Here is the direct link

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to embed mp3 files in Blogger.com

How to embed mp3 files in Blogger.com

Below are the easy steps to embed the Mp3 files to your website.

Here the Updated Link!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes

Could not Stop Myself from Posting this wonderful Post

Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes

(You MUST read them out loud or else it will be difficult to learn)…

1) That's not right…….. Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive………………. Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP…………. Kum Hia Nao
 staying out of sight… Lei Ying Lo
5) Small horse… Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach?… Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped in to a coffee table… Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift… Chin Tu Faat
9) It’s very dark in here… Wao So Dim
10) I thought you were on a diet… Wai Yu Mun Ching
11) This is a tow away zone… No Pah King
Stupid Man…………………. Dum Fuk
13) He’s cleaning his automobile… Wa Shing Ka
14) Your body odor is offensive… Yu Stin Ki Pu
15) Great… Fa Kin Su Pah

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Shake it for FUN

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Download Songs as in Napster using Bearshare

Download Songs using Bearshare

There are many ways you might be knowing to download Songs.
But Bearshare is peer-to-peer file sharing program that not only allows you to download the latest music and video but you can connect with friends and make new ones who are into the same artists. The users can easily access other profiles, pictures and their music libraries.

How to Download:
Download Application from www.bearshare.com
It is around 3Mb in size
Once Done, Install the application.
Launch it.
You can create your new account or you can directly type a song name in the search list to download
Search result will be provided with Video and Audio 
Select the Song and click Download button
If there are more number of peers sharing the same song, the song will be downloaded quickly.
It is same as that to Torrents but for Downloading songs.
Enjoy Listening!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

G33k-Trick to unblock all the torrents site in India

Below post seems to be older now !!!
Now you can open all the unblocked websites to access the torrents.

Step 1: Download the free sofware
Step 2: Double click 
Let the software connect to the server
And Voilaa!!! you are done.

All the blocked websites will be accessible.
NOTE: This software slow downs the connection speed. So you can launch this Software, download the .torrent file. Close this software and using any bittorrent client. you can continue your download 

You can also try:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Get access to torrents site in India when "Torrents" are banned

Everyone in India must be worried now about the banned Torrents Sites.
Websites like torrents.to, thepiratebay and many more...

Seems Reliance and Copyright Labs are behind the recent Torrent websites block in India

I've found few torrents site that can be accessed in India for downloading torrents.
Hope you would appreciate this !!! :)


Though ...www.mininova.org site is still functional for those want clean legal torrents.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Yeshwantpur station Platform numbers

Yeshwantpur station Platform number 1 location map
Yeshwantpur station Platform number 2 location map
Yeshwantpur station Platform number 3 location map
Yeshwantpur station Platform number 4 location map
Yeshwantpur station Platform number 5 location map
Yeshwantpur station Platform number 6 location map

YPR station platform number

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Watch TV Episodes Online for Free

Hungry for free online streaming of Episodes.

Following are some of the free link for Watching Online TV Episodes.







Search your favorite TV serials and enjoy :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Free Google Webstore applications for "Google Chrome" Browser

Below is my list of applications that you would love to have attached or installed in your google chrome browser.

GAMES: For list of games we have plenty of applications to choose from.
Following are few of them.
1. Angry Birds
2. Sinuous
3. Cargo Bridge (for techies)
4. Ball Pool
5. Zombie Drop (one of my favorites)

Multimedia or Entertainment:
1. Picnik
2. Saavn (for Asian Music Listners)
3. Beatlab (Easy-to-use DJ :P)
4. FullonSMS

Following is the link for GOOGLE WEBSTORE

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Different ways of Shutting Down your PC

Ways to ShutDown your Computer

1. Every one knows the first way, so no need of explaining it.
    Offcourse , pressing Power Key.

2. Google any shutdown software. plenty of them are out there for free.

3. Minimize all windows using Win key +M and then Alt+F4 to bring "Turn Off" dialog box.

4. You can make your own shutdown application i.e shortcut.
While in desktop,right click >> "New Shortcut" >> when prompted for file name location, type shutdown -s -t 10.
To execute this shortcut, double click is enough.

5. Press the Win key + R key to open the RUN window and you need to type shutdown -s -t 10. ["s" implies shutdown and "t" time left for shutdown].
If you want forcibly shutdown your system, add "-f" along with other attributes.

6. Using TASK MANAGER--> Alt+Ctrl+Del>> "Shut down" from the menu.

8. Open task manager >> "Shutdown">>hold "ctrl key" >> click "Turn off" pc will be turned off in 3 secs..