G33K-TRICKS: Softwares
Showing posts with label Softwares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Softwares. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to Install Numpy python module on Windows [SOLVED]

Simple, tried and tested steps to install Numpy module

Pre-requisite, would be "You are already having Python installed on your system"
Next Download the Numpy module from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy
 [I downloaded the Zipped one, so can you  ;) ]

Unzip the downloaded Numpy and go to
using command prompt. This is where setup.py is available.

Now type commands,
python setup.py build

If building does not throw any errors , run
python setup.py install

In-case you see some error similar to error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
Which implies you dont have Microsoft Visual studio to build the module.

Either you can download one or there is another way of doing it.
Download, MinGW (32/64) from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/

Select ‘download latest repository catalogues’.
Next you select a folder (i.e. C:\MinGW) and the programming support you require: C and C++  (I kept Fortran and ObjC as deselected).
You need "MinGW Developer Toolkit" installed.
If you select this option you’ll get MSYS as well.
Next thing you need to do is to configure your PATH environment variable.

Right-click on My Computer and Select Properties
Go to the tab ‘Advanced’ and select ‘Environment variables’
Select ‘Path’ from the ‘System Variables’ and click the ‘Edit button’
Add the following paths to your variables: ‘C:\MinGW\bin;'  (without quotes)

Now, Edit / Create new file  "distutils.cfg" at C:\Python26\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg with following change


Remember, in case you created new file distutils.cfg , the file type should be CFG not TXT
To avoid this, while saving select "Save As" option and then in the "Save as Type" drop down select
"All Files" . Then in the "Filename" field type distutils.cfg and then save.

Open new command prompt and again go to  C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Downloads\numpy-1.10.4\numpy-1.10.4
python setup.py build

And if no issues seen,
python setup.py install

And its Done!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to register SSH key on Launchpad.net

Launchpad is a web application and website that allows users to develop and maintain software, particularly free software. Launchpad is developed and maintained by Canonical Ltd. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_(website)

For HELP you can also visit

Open terminal in your ubutu-box and type:
1. sudo apt-get install openssh-client
2. ssh-keygen -t rsa ( to create dsa key,
 type ssh-keygen -t dsa)
3. When prompted, press Enter to accept the default file name for your key. Check the path where the key is stored or else define the path yourself.
4. Press Enter to confirm a password to protect your SSH key.
Your key pair is stored in ~/.ssh/ (or the path you've mentioned) as id_rsa.pub (public key) and id_rsa (private key)
5. Open the id_rsa.pub in any text editor, and copy the contents

6. Now , open https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys   to paste your copied SSH key in the text box provided in the page.
7. Click on "Import public key" button to continue.

Your SSH key is now saved. You will also get a mail for the change is ssh key into your mail box which is registered with the Launchpad.

On the same page you can remove your SSH key and can add new one.
Just select the key to remove and click on "Remove"

You can also see "How to Add SSH key to GIT"

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Google Talk - Tricks and Shortcuts

GTalk Trick and Shortcuts

 Days of Yahoo Messenger are over. Everyone now a days use Gtalk!!
 Am I Right!!! I guess so :)

And if you dont have Google talk . Download it here

So here I am with few Gtalk Chat Shortcuts or you can say tricks

GTalk Shortcuts

Tab  -->  Switch through the currently open chat windows
Esc --> Close current chat window
Alt + Esc 
 -->  Close all chat windows
F9  -->  Open Gmail
F11  -->  Call
F12  -->  End current Call

Text Formatting

Italic Text -->  type  text between two underscores. eg. _ITALIC_ = ITALIC

Bold Text 
-->  type the text between two asterisks. eg. *BOLD!* = BOLD

Below ones are new to me as well :)

GTalk Startup Parameters

To add some extra features to GTALK, you can add some parameters when GTALK is launched.

To use the parameters, just edit the Google Talk shortcut on your desktop, and add any of the following parameters after a slash(/) 
Go through the following screenshot for "how to do"

Right Click on Google Talk Shortcut on Desktop

Click Properties

Edit the " startmenu" in the Target Field with any of the following parameters

checkupdate --> Check for updates to the current version

diag --> Run GTalk in Diagnostic Mode

nomutex --> Open more than one instance of GTalk at a time
--> Load default settings
mailto user@gmail.com 
--> Send an email using GMail

Thats it for now!!! Enjoy Chatting :)