G33K-TRICKS: Google
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2016

How to Speed Up Chrome Browser Quickly

Speed-up your Chrome Browser to load page faster

How to make Chrome fastAs you may know, Chrome is one of the popular browser available to us and it is also among the fastest browser. You also might have used it or maybe you are using it now as well and can feel the difference of speed compared to other Web Browsers.
The fact which you might not know is, Google Chrome uses DNS prefetching and speedy (SPDY) protocols instead of HTTP. DNS prefetching and SPDY protocols helps to load the webpage in advance which reduces the time to load the page.
If you are reading this page means something went wrong with your Chrome browser. After using it for many days it tends to slow down. Lately, it has been observed that Chrom has been consuming high amount of RAM even if there is only one tab opened. Offcourse, it does lot in background so consuming high memory is not a surprise.
So, here are the things which you can do to fasten your Chrome Browser application for your desktop machine. This should work for other browsers too.


Having many plugins enabled in your browser can slow down it easily as it consumes time to load each and every plugin and moreover it consumes you RAM usage as well. So the best option would be to load the important plugin which you really need and disable the rest. I presonally prefer running zero plugins.
This is how you can disable it.

a. Open Chrome Browser and enter the following address into address bar


b. Now you can Un-tick all the plugins which you think are not at all useful to you.
Please do remember that few plugins like Adobe Flash is required for many websites to display content so you should not disable it and there are some other plug-ins which can help your browser to increase performance.


a. Open Chrome Browser and enter the following address into address bar



Click on Wrench icon on your toolbar > Tools > Extensions.

b. Un-tick the extensions which are not needed or can be deleted as well if not required.


Browsing data consumes good amount of space. Everytime you visit a webpage, some amount of data from the webpage will be saved on your system so that when you visit the same page again, the data can be loaded quickly. But if your not clearing your browser data, the data continues to increase thus slowing down your browser.

Although cache and cookies are really made to speed up chrome browser but sometimes it happens that they are responsible for decreasing your browsing speed and lagging while opening webpages.

This is how you can clear the data

a. Click on Wrench icon
b. Go to Tools > Clear browsing data.
c. Choose Time range in the dialog box and click on "Clear browsing data"


a. Go to Settings
b. Search for "Clear browsing data"
c. And appropriately select the data that needs to be cleared.

4. Disable any ToolBar you have added to your Browser

Toolbars are your worst enemy. They stay on your browser and do nothing. Toolbars can really slow down the system and the browser. Moreover, I feel toolbars should not be installed at first place.

The Above tips works well for the other browser like FireFox and Internet Explorer as well. Only the path to change the settings will vary.

Hope you like the tips shared. Please do add any other tips if you have in comments.

You can set the Chrome to Dark mode . Check it out here

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Google with "Ok Google" - tips and tricks


How to use "OK Google" 

Did you know that typing something does take much time rather than dictating. Of-course, you must be knowing this.
So to save your time and energy , google has come up with "Ok Google ".
You can use your voice as a command to Google app or Chrome to do things like searching, getting  directions, and creating  reminders etc.

For that you need to :
Open the Google app.
In the top left corner of the page, touch the Menu icon menu icon > Settings > Voice > "Ok Google" Detection.
From here, you can choose when you want your phone to listen when you say "Ok Google."
Learn more about the options for turning on "Ok Google" on an Android device

Start a voice search

Open the Google app .
Say "Ok Google" or touch the microphone icon .

Lets start with Easter Eggs!

1. “Do a barrel roll”
2. “What’s the loneliest number?”
3. “When am I?”
4. “Okay Jarvis, …” (Instead of “Okay Google”)
5. “Who are you?”
6. “Make me a sandwich!”
7. “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
8. “Beam me up, Scotty!” (That's the cliche from Star Trek )
9. “Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right”. It Konami cheat code originally used for Nintendo games.and Google will answer: “Cheat mode unlocked, unlimited free Google searches”. 

For Multimedia

“Take a picture’ to take a picture
To record a video, say “record videos” the default camera opens up.
Just say "Play Some Music" to play music Google Play.

Direct Search Commands for Google Search engine 
Here you can directly ask "W" questions to google and lovely voice will reply the answer to you.

 “Search for ”: 
 “Show me the stocks for ”:
 “How old is ”:
 “Author of ”:
 “Who invented ”: 
 “What is the meaning of ”:
 “Who is married to”:

For controlling your Phone 
Turn On Bluetooth 
Turn Off WIFI
Turn On Flashlight
Open Google.com
Open "Any app name"

Voice Maths with Google
“What is percent of ”
“How much is times ”
“Square root of ”
“What is the value of Pi”
“Convert into ”

Google know weather too
“What’s the weather in:”
“Is it going to rain tomorrow”
“Do I need an umbrella”
“Should I bring a Jacket today”

Maps & Navigation with Ok Google 
“Map of ”
“Where is ___ situated”
“How far is ___ from ”

There is too much to type. I've few screen-shots to solve my problem :)
General Commands:

Notes & Reminders :

Call Commands:

Flight Info:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to embed mp3 files in Blogger.com

How to embed mp3 files in Blogger.com

Below are the easy steps to embed the Mp3 files to your website.

Here the Updated Link!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Google Talk - Tricks and Shortcuts

GTalk Trick and Shortcuts

 Days of Yahoo Messenger are over. Everyone now a days use Gtalk!!
 Am I Right!!! I guess so :)

And if you dont have Google talk . Download it here

So here I am with few Gtalk Chat Shortcuts or you can say tricks

GTalk Shortcuts

Tab  -->  Switch through the currently open chat windows
Esc --> Close current chat window
Alt + Esc 
 -->  Close all chat windows
F9  -->  Open Gmail
F11  -->  Call
F12  -->  End current Call

Text Formatting

Italic Text -->  type  text between two underscores. eg. _ITALIC_ = ITALIC

Bold Text 
-->  type the text between two asterisks. eg. *BOLD!* = BOLD

Below ones are new to me as well :)

GTalk Startup Parameters

To add some extra features to GTALK, you can add some parameters when GTALK is launched.

To use the parameters, just edit the Google Talk shortcut on your desktop, and add any of the following parameters after a slash(/) 
Go through the following screenshot for "how to do"

Right Click on Google Talk Shortcut on Desktop

Click Properties

Edit the " startmenu" in the Target Field with any of the following parameters

checkupdate --> Check for updates to the current version

diag --> Run GTalk in Diagnostic Mode

nomutex --> Open more than one instance of GTalk at a time
--> Load default settings
mailto user@gmail.com 
--> Send an email using GMail

Thats it for now!!! Enjoy Chatting :)