Sunday, April 7, 2019

Top 5 Killer YouTube Tricks

Top Five awing YouTube Tricks that will blow your mind

I am listing down here few Killer Youtube tricks that I am definitely sure you would need someday.

1. Generate a youtube-link that starts a YouTube video at a definite certain time.

Ever wished to send somebody a YouTube video, however purpose them to a selected moment or timeframe in the video

Instead of causing your friends the final YouTube link and instructing them to jump to the 0:34 minute spot, you'll really send them a selected YouTube time-link that would get started from the point whichever you have shared them.

Here are the Steps to follow:

Youtube Time Stamp
Youtube Video Time Stamp
To create a link that starts a YouTube video at a definite time: Open up the video and click on "Share" to the way right of the video title. Then, within the window of choices that is shown check the box next to "Start at:" and kind within the time (in hours:minutes:seconds) you wish. As an alternative, you can pause the video at the time you wish it to start and autofill will help.

On  click,  you will see a tag add itself to the YouTube link. Merely copy that link and paste it where you need or share it on any network.

2. You can convert any YouTube video into a GIF

gif-youtube-video-trickEveryone loves GIFs, however knowing the way to build them is not public knowledge. Well, it ought to be, as a result of all it takes may be a very little YouTube trick.

To create a GIF from a YouTube video: play a video on YouTube  just add the word "gif" right before the name of the youtube link.
Thus the link reads, "www.gifyoutube.com/[video-link]"

This will bring you to gifs.com, together with your video already uploaded and prepared for writing. Here, you will find a menu of choices to the left pane. At Gif.com you can do multiple things like, edit, crop, set time of the video etc.

G33k-trick to form a GIF from a YouTube video.

Click on "Create GIF" on the top-right and it will prompt you for a GIF title and set of tags. Then click "Next," and you've got a handy landing page from that to share your newly minted GIF. Only small catch here is you need to signup to gif.com to download the video.

3. You can facilitate your video get found in search engine by writing or uploading a transcript. 

This is one of the Youtube SEO hack shared by Ryan Stewart who suggest , if possible , you can upload the Transcript of your video in the description of your YouTube Video to get higher rankings in search engine listing. This is because, Google scrutinize variety of things once ranking videos in search to work out what your video is concerning, and your transcript is one in every of them.

To add a transcript to your video: Open the video on YouTube, and you will see a row of icons just under the play button. Click the icon on the way right for "Subtitles/CC." (CC stands for "Closed Captions.) YouTube closed captioning (CC).

Set your language if you haven't already. Then, you may then be prompted to decide on among 3 other ways to feature subtitles or closed captions to your video ...

Upload a pre-written text transcript or a regular subtitles file. (Learn a lot of concerning the file sorts you'll transfer and a lot of here.)
Paste in an exceedingly full transcript of the video, whereby subtitle timings are going to be set mechanically.
Type them in as you watch the video.
The folks at YouTube have done some nice things to form that third possibility (typing as you watch) as painless as potential. for instance, if you check a box next to "Pause video while typewriting," it will make the complete method quicker.

4. Simply see the written transcripts of people's videos.

Now you know that YouTube mechanically generates a written transcript for each single video uploaded to its website. Anyone can have access to transcript unless the user manually hides it from viewers.
Youtube Free Transcript

I will think about variety of various things wherever video transcripts will are available handy. for instance, perhaps you wish to write down down a quote from a video, however the efforts of pausing-and-typing, pausing-and-typing would drive you up a wall.
Or maybe you would like to search out a selected section of a video.

To see a video's transcript: Open the video in YouTube and press the "More" tab beneath the video title. opt for "Transcript" from the menu.

YouTube's a lot of tag to search out the video transcript.

(If you are not seeing this feature, it's as a result of the user selected to cover the transcript.)

This transcript can seem as a brand new module within the same window. In several cases, the user WHO uploaded the video won't have gone back and manually polished the transcript, thus it will not be good. however it will actually prevent your time and pain.

5. Simply get free transcriptions of your videos and audio files

One more important one with Transcript, As you know, Youtube automatically generates transcript through using highly evolved Speech Recognition Technology, however, if you are looking for a transcription of an audio or video file and do not wish to pay single penny for a service, YouTube's intrinsic captioning system is not a foul place to start out. (There is some cleanup that sometimes needs to be done on the transcript)

To get an automatic transcription for a video: merely transfer your video to YouTube, open it on YouTube's web site, press the "More" tab beneath the video title, and opt for "Transcript" from the menu.
The transcript can seem as a another module within the same window.

To get an automatic transcription for an audio file: you'll have to transfer your recording to YouTube employing a service like TunesToTube. It will take between 2–30 minutes for YouTube to transfer it. Then, follow the same directions for obtaining an automatic transcription for a video.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to Setup SFTP server for Free

What exactly SFTP is? And how to Setup SFTP Server

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol and it runs over the SSH and comes with all auth and security that ssh supports. Now-a-days FTP or FTPS is getting replaced by SSH as FTP is considered as not so secure.

The SFTP protocol runs over the SSH protocol as a scheme and it was designed by Tatou Ylonen.
setup SFTP ServerSpecial thing about SFTP is , there are no ports exposed.


People usually wish to check SFTP vs. FTPS. FTPS is essentially the previous ftp protocol run over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Benefits of FTP over SFTP includes,
FTPS is essentially FTP, which implies it's code mode, which might corrupt files if the mode isn't properly set and SFTP runs over SSH within the normal SSH port. Thus, no extra ports have to be compelled to be opened on the server and no extra authentication must be maintained. This simplifies configuration and reduces the probability of config errors.
FTPS wants sophisticated firewall configuration and might not work NAT. Ports 989 and 990 have to be compelled to be open. 
FTPS needs an additional server software system package to be put in and patched, whereas SFTP comes with SSH.
What's more, FTPS supports each active and passive modes , that additional complicates firewall configurations and is susceptible to issues.
FTPS can't be used as a File system. 

Here are easy steps to setup Free SFTP server

To setup the Free SFTP server you can download the Rebex Tiny SFTP server
from https://labs.rebex.net/tiny-sftp-server
And surprisingly, it is free for Commericial and Non-commercial purpose.
Once download is finished, unzip the zipped file and run the "RebexTinySftpServer.exe" file.
There would be another file named "RebexTinySftpServer.exe.config" file which is a server configuration file with below config settings available by default.
The configuration is straight-forward , key-value pair and easy to understand.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- user and root dir -->
<add key="userName" value="sftpuser"/>    
<add key="userPassword" value="sftpuser"/>
<add key="userRootDir" value="data"/>

<!-- user public keys for public key authentication (optional) -->
<add key="userPublicKeyDir" value=""/>

<!-- misc config -->
<add key="showUserDetailsOnStartup" value="true"/>

<!-- security -->
<add key="rsaPrivateKeyFile" value="server-private-key-rsa.ppk"/>
<add key="rsaPrivateKeyPassword" value="my-super-secure-password"/>

<add key="dssPrivateKeyFile" value="server-private-key-dss.ppk"/>
<add key="dssPrivateKeyPassword" value="my-super-secure-password"/>

<!-- port -->
<add key="sshPort" value="22"/>

<!-- start server when application is started? -->
<add key="autoStart" value="false"/>


As SSH works on port 22 so config also has the same.
For further security , you can create RSA and DSA keys (.ppk) and provide the password in config which was used while creating the keys.
If you are not comfortable in creating the SSH keys, you can you this awesome free tool that runs on Windows called "PuttyGen" (a utility for RSA and DSA key generation )

Link to download : https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

If you are working with any SFTP client and you are just looking for test connection with SFTP Server, you dont need to host one. Rebex has already provided a dummy sftp running server at
test.rebex.net  Use demo as username and password as password

Please Note: REBEX SFTP server store the password in clear text as you can see from the config file.
Do let me know if you have any other SFTP server that can be easily setup.
Incoming search: Rebex sftp firewall issues