G33K-TRICKS: Unlock and Multitasking on Nokia S40 phones
Unlock and Multitasking on Nokia S40 phones

Check Out New Nokia Lumia Before You Read. http://www.amazon.in/Nokia-Lumia-520-Black/dp/B00CE2LO8Y?tag=g33ktricks-21

Following are steps that will help you unlock your nokia phone and then Multitask any java application you want. Your phone will not ask you to exit when you press Red/End Key.
1. Download J.A.F tool (Sorry, you have to download J.A.F Tool by youself, just google it and I bet you will have many links to download it for free :) )
2. Install j.a.f and run it through Pkey.
3. Now connect your phone using Data cable.

4. Go to “BB5″ column and tick “Read pp” button and then click service
5. This will provide you pp file of your phone. Save the file.
6. Using notepad/workpad open the file ( Dont change anything unnecessary in the pp file )
7. a. For s40 v3 phones change the value of 28th line to 2 from 1,that is “28 2″
    b. For s40 v5 and v6 phones change the value of 48th line to 2,that is “48 2″
Some of the Nokia phones shows only three fields in the pp file. In that case just add 48 2 below set 1 as shown below.

8. Now, tick upload pp then click Service button.
9. Your phone will now go to test mode and a pop window will come.
10. Select the edited pp to upload. Once the upload is complete, phone will restart automatically
You have successfully hacked your phone, this will allow you to use unsigned app without asking for any persmission.
11. With your unlocked phone, take an application that you want to minimize. extract that jar file using Winzip to a folder
12. Modify “manifest.mf” file in that jar file, you can find it in Manifest folder. (Manifest files are the text files that defines about the application specs)
13. Add Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit: True code at very last line of the manifest.mf file
14. Now, repack that jar file using winrar and install it in your mobile.
15. Run the app on the phone and press End/Red key
You will find that phone does not ask you to Exit the app.
Go to same app and open again to restore it.

P.S.: Multitasking works only on S40 v5 and higher phones,but you can hack security of any s40 phones

Do it on your own Risk!!!

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